book announcement

Like There’s No Tomorrow: Climate Crisis, Eco-Anxiety and God

We are delighted to announce the publication of Frances Ward’s latest book: Like There’s No Tomorrow: Climate Crisis, Eco-Anxiety and God (Sacristy Press, 2020).

From the blurb:

Christians often don’t know how to respond to the climate crisis and messages of possible destruction caused by human activity.

Frances Ward offers a thoughtful and engaging reflection on
how Christians can live and act in a spirit of hope amidst messages of impending doom.

We are a people on the verge of extinction. Progress is never made by contented people, nor will the necessary ruptures needed to stop our damaging behaviours ever be made convincing by them. However, Frances Ward’s discontent understands the deep connections between the inner and outer landscapes. She scrutinizes both on a journey, with a restless attention, and writes this journal of soul and world in a poetic voice. The result is a holy and subversive protest for creation and for God.

Mark Oakley, Dean of St John’s College, Cambridge
The Very Revd Dr Frances Ward

For further information, including on how to obtain your copy, please see the promotional flyer.